
person standing on ridge in front of mountains
Standing on a ridge overlooking some majestic mountains.

Hi there, I'm the author here at Autogenic Amusements.

I slowly started realizing that the way my life was taking shape wouldn't make me happy in the long run. Through some harsh experiences, I found out the hard way that our futures aren't necessarily guaranteed.

That led me to desire a more alternative form of living. My transition was a gradual one that led me to cherish my time in the outdoors. Eventually, I quit my job and sold my house along with most of my possessions to travel and live in a van full-time. It was the best decision I've ever made.

Nowadays, I enjoy everything that goes against the grain of normality.

I want to shed some light on those questions that don't have a direct answer and are more a sum of experiences. I hope to help people by sharing my experiences and giving insight into how one person saw the world.

Thanks for checking this out and I hope you find your true happiness, too.