17 min read

Van Life - The Definitive Guide To Life In A Van

Van Life - The Definitive Guide To Life In A Van
Photo by Matt Hardy / Unsplash

In this guide you'll learn about whether van life is right for you, finding the best spots to sleep, how to make money on the road, and so much more! This is the definitive guide to van life from Autogenic Amusements.

Whether you're a seasoned veteran of boondocking or a budding and aspiring road trip enthusiast, you'll likely have some questions about van life. The lifestyle has taken the world by storm and it's become a popular way to live alternatively.

Since starting my van life journey over a year ago, I haven't regretted the decision and felt no remorse in my experiences. In fact, I consider the decision to be one of the best I've ever made.

I hope you can find the same happiness that I have!

Table Of Contents

What Is Van Life?
Why Choose Van Life?
The Pros And Cons Of Van Life
Essential Gear For Van Life
Planning For Van Life
Budgeting For Van Life
Choosing The Right Van
Converting A Van
Finding Places To Stay
How To Cook In Your Van
How To Stay Clean On The Road
Making Money On The Road
Maintaining Community On The Road
Safety And Security

What is Van Life? - Introduction To Mobile Living

Van Parked for free in a meadow

Van Life is a lifestyle choice where people live and sometimes travel in their converted vehicle. It's about embracing simplicity, mobility, and oftentimes closer connections to nature and a general sense of contentment.

There are no set rules for living the van life. It's entirely up to you how you choose to live your life and pursue what you want or need. That's the whole point...

  • While it may seem like a vacation, some people do it out of necessity for financial, spousal, or employment-related reasons.
  • Due to the lack of space, Van Lifers are often considered minimalists since they've pared down their possessions to the bare minimum.
  • Starting with short trips can help you decide if you like it, what you'll actually need, and how much it costs.
  • It's not as glamorous as social media makes it seem. There is a lot of hardship and struggle associated with living on the road.
  • Sometimes, van life is referred to as vehicle camping, vehicle dwelling, or boondocking.

Check out these resources for a dedicated explanation of the different ways to live in and out of your vehicle.

Van Life Vs. Car Life; What Are The Differences?
This is a comparison of van life and car life. You’ll learn about the differences between the two popular types of vehicle dwellings.
What Are The Different Ways You Can Live in a Vehicle?
Van life wasn’t the first way to live in a vehicle. I’ve tried a few ways and there exist many different methods to hit the road in your home! What are the different ways one can live in a vehicle? There are many different ways to live in

Why Choose Van Life? - Benefits Of A Nomadic Lifestyle

Van life, whether by choice or necessity, provides a means to live alternatively. Experiencing more, doing more, and living more on your own terms. Let's explore some reasons why people pursue van life, and what it has to offer.

  • Understand your reasons for pursuing van life to stay committed.
  • Don't choose to pursue van life because of social media. It is often romanticized, and not as glamorous as always portrayed. You may spend a lot of time alone.
  • Embrace the flexibility and the opportunity to be as mobile as you can be. You're not tied to one location. Noisy neighbours, move along. Heard of a beautiful sight? Go check it out!
  • It's cheaper than living more traditionally. (More below)
  • Van Life can be a choice or a necessity. Not everyone lives in their vehicle because they want more adventure in their lives. For some people, it's the only option they have.

This article goes over more about whether van life is a privilege or not.

Is Van Life a Privilege?
This is an article exploring the privilege of van life. You’ll learn about choice vs. necessity, saving money, adventuring, and some lessons.

The Pros And Cons Of Van Life - What You Need To Know

Free BLM Campsite

The Van Life lifestyle has its challenges and benefits. Understanding the pros and cons is critical to making an informed decision about pursuing this way of living. We'll look into some benefits, such as mobility and frugality, along with the challenges, like finding places to stay and other hardships.


  • The cheaper base cost of living. With the right planning, you can save money for whatever else you want to spend it on.
  • Location independence. You have the flexibility to move at will and not be tied down to a particular location.
  • Closer to nature. Unless you're in an urban environment, you'll be one with nature!
  • Embracing minimalism. You'll inherently have fewer items with you; making the most use of what you do have.


  • Limited space. You won't be able to take along all of your normal possessions in your home.
  • Staying clean can be a challenge. You may not have the luxury of showering daily.
  • Potential for loneliness. You might find yourself away from friends and family far more frequently.
  • Connectivity. It might be a challenge to stay connected to digital services for work or socialization.
  • Finding a spot to call home at night can be challenging. Sometimes you might need to drive into the night as the spot you've planned out didn't work.

Take a look at my review of 1 Month on the road - The Pros and Cons of long term van life and an article that discusses the topic: "Is van life worth it or not?"

One Month On The Road - Pros And Cons Of Long-Term Van Life
One month of van life is like dipping your toes in the water to test its temperature.
Is Van Life Worth it?
Admittedly, I partially chose the van life because of the hype. I also saw all the merits that exist when you chose to live this way. But is it truly worth it? Yes, van life is worth it. Despite the hype and social media portrayal of it, it can be

Want a second opinion so you can say you've done your due diligence? Take a look at another list of the Pros and Cons Of Van Life from a U.K. blogger for an international perspective!

Essential Gear for Van Life: Must-Have Items

The right gear can make or break your van trips. From cooking tools to the right bed setup, we'll cover the essential items for the best life on the road.

  • Imagine you're going camping, then add a bit more luxury. You will need stuff from your normal life, then some things to help you exist outdoors.
  • Clothing, bedding, dishes, cookware, camp chairs, and axes. Then add in some vehicle-specific items like a shovel, recovery boards, chains, etc.
  • Don't forget items for entertainment like books, laptops, gaming consoles, or hobby gear.
  • Invest in a comfortable mattress. This applies to normal life too since you spend a third of your life sleeping (and maybe more when you lay down during the day.)
  • Make the most of your storage space so you can bring along everything you want. Pack smartly and minimally.
  • Questions about things that are part of the build like solar, fans, and heaters? Check out the build/ conversion section below!

For some trinkets and tools associated with life on the road, check out these posts:

9 Great Tools To Get a Peaceful Sleep While Travelling
This is a list of travel essentials for sleeping. You’ll see items for sleeping on planes, in hotels, and how to sleep anywhere!
10 Incredibly Useful Accessories For The Best Life In Your Van
Whether you need to organize, cook, play, or survive, here’s a list of accessories that are perfect for life in your van!

Planning For Van Life - Tips For A Smooth Transition

Planning correctly allows you to experience an easier time when you're getting into van life. In this section, you'll learn about some aspects of travelling in your van, downsizing, route finding, and many more.

  • Research the legality of what you're doing. Know how to avoid fines for parking, trespassing, and generally doing what you shouldn't.
  • Know the most economical route to where you want to go. A bit of planning can save you some money on backtracking and fuel costs.
  • Think about how long you plan to spend on the road.
  • Carry essential tools like recovery boards, shovels, snow chains, and an air compressor for emergencies.
  • Downsize your belongings as much as possible. Store what can't part with and don't take seasonal gear along with you if you can leave it behind.

Have an idea for a great road trip but don't know where to start? check out these articles:

How to Plan For Trips in a Van.
Planning to live in your van can be an exciting and overwhelming experience. There are so many places you can go and things you can do. How do you prepare for trips in a van? While there’s a lot to think about, planning for trips in your van can be

Budgeting For Van Life - Managing Finances On The Road

A sound budget is the key to success in life on the road. We'll provide tips and tricks to road life on a budget, and all sorts of expenses you need to keep in mind.

  • Track your regular expenses with budgeting apps to get a sense of how much you need to exist.
  • Create an anticipatory budget for what you intend to spend. If you want, try and cut back on some expenses by exploring more frugal options.
  • Allot for more vehicle-associated costs like fuel, maintenance, tires, etc. since you might find yourself driving a lot more than normal.
  • Get excited about the potential savings associated with van life since it can be cheaper with the right plan and budget.
  • Expect to spend somewhere between $800-$2000 per month of living on the road.
  • Add firewood to your budget if you enjoy relaxing around a campfire.

Budgeting for van life can seem daunting. On a tight budget? Take a look at these posts for more information.

How to Budget for Van Life and Travel
This post discusses general ideas around budgeting for travel and van life. You’ll get some tips, techniques and ideas to get you on the road.
Can You Live in a Van on a Tight Budget?
This is a breakdown of if you can live in a van on a tight budget. You’ll learn about many aspects of budgeting for van life and if it’s cheaper.

Choosing The Right Van - A Guide To Vehicle Selection

Van Gathering - https://www.vanlife.com.au/vanlife-articles/teton-valley-vanlife-gathering

Selecting the right van for your needs is like buying a home. Many aspects should go into this step like identifying your needs for space, vehicle capability, price, etc. You'll learn all you need to know about choosing a van.

  • Considering your needs will help you decide which van is most appropriate for you. Think about storage, activities, living in vs. living out, cooking, etc.
  • Don't make your decision based on what's the top of the line or most desirable. You can spend more money on the build or your adventures vs. spending on the base vehicle.
  • Test drive as many different vans as possible.
  • Rent an assortment of vans to get a sense of what you might like the most.

Want to know more about the different types of vans? Check out the article below for a deep dive into the topic.

Choosing A Van - A Deep Dive
This is a guide to choosing a van for van life. Be better prepared to start your journey with knowledge of the options, costs, and some pros and cons.

Converting A Van - Basic Modifications To Custom Builds

How you chose to build your home on wheels will dictate how comfortable your time in your van is. Whether you only need a place to sleep, or you want a theatre, shower, and oven, you'll learn about how to build it out in this section.

  • Van conversions can range drastically from simple glorified tents on wheels to luxury tiny homes. Do what works for you and what is within your budget.
  • Optimize storage by building out your van creatively.
  • Don't skimp on things like rust-proofing, insulation, and comfort.
  • DIY vs. professional conversions. Depending on your budget, skills, and time, you might want to either build your own conversion or have someone else do it for you.
  • Live with the basics in the beginning. It will help you identify exactly what you need instead of putting money into your build on things you may never use.

Want to know more? Take a look at the post below where I've explained more than what this article will allow space for.

Converting A Van Into A Camper - DIY Van Conversion
This is a guide for DIY van conversions for Vanlife. Convert your van into a camper with the steps, tips, and resources for life on the road.

Being such a large topic, head over to youtube to get a better sense of the different ways you can build out your van.

These YouTubers have a whole series documenting their build series.

Finding Places To Stay - Best Free and Paid Accommodations

While one of the main reasons people choose van life is to save money, where you choose to park can dictate a lot about how much you spend. Not only that, but doing the right research can ensure you avoid getting stuck in a mud pit, or avoid overlooking the most majestic view you've ever seen. We'll show you how to find the best spots to set up camp, sleep, and even get some work done in your home.

  • Utilize applications like iOverlander, The Dyrt, Campendium, etc. to find the best spots to stay.
  • Embrace the ability to stay in places for free. Sometimes, they're more beautiful than any paid campground could ever be.
  • Don't overstay your welcome. If you are primarily urban, then rotate your spots and try not to stay in 1 place for multiple nights at a time. 3 different sites provide a decent rotation to not attract any unwanted attention.
  • Stealth camping is your friend. It allows you to stay basically wherever you want, within reason.

Use these posts to find more resources and tips for boondocking or camping!

Van Camping - How to Find the Best Spots to Sleep and Stay
Perhaps one of the most important daily struggles of van life is knowing where to stay and sleep. This blog post will show you how!
Sleeping in a Van: How to Get a Great Nights Rest
Sleep is an important part of life. We spend a third of our lives doing this one activity. Quality sleep is important to so many aspects of our lives like learning, fitness, and mental health. Sleeping in a vehicle doesn’t mean we need to sacrifice quality sleep. So, how do
iOverlander Review - One App For All of Your Road Trip Needs
Finding places to stay and sleep can be challenging while on the road. Thankfully, there exists an application called iOverlander that answers nearly all of the questions you might have when on a road trip.

How To Cook In Your Van - Tips For On The Road Meals

Cooking in a van isn't the same as cooking at home. With limited space, tools, and storage, you need to be more crafty about how you choose to concoct your culinary creations. We'll dive into what it takes to cook on the road.

  • Ventilation is key to keeping scents and moisture build-up at a minimum.
  • You don't need a sink to do your dishes. Some people clean with baby wipes, a spray bottle with water and soap, cleaning wipes, or nearby rivers.
  • One-pot meals are great for van life as it cuts back on dishes, prep, and cleaning.
  • Getting creative with meals and trying new dishes with your limited resources can be a fun challenge and a good way to mix things up!

For more tips and tricks about cooking in a van, check out the post below.

How To Cook In A Van
This is a guide to cooking in a van. Learn about the tools, techniques, and preparation to create your own culinary masterpieces in your camper.

How To Stay Clean On The Road - Hygiene Hacks For Van Life

Personal hygiene is important for your health and also important for the people you associate with. Just because you're in a van, it doesn't mean you need to always dirtbag it. There are many ways to clean and stay clean while living in a van.

The following posts go into this topic in much greater detail!

How To Shower In A Van
While it’s possible to build a shower inside of your van, there are plenty of alternative ideas that save money, space, and resources
Gym Memberships; Are They Useful While Living in a Van?
This is a deep dive into having a gym membership while living in a van. You’ll learn if it’s the right decision for your life on the road.

Making Money On The Road - Earning Income While Travelling

Funding your lifestyle is an important aspect that your existence often hinges on. Working during van life is a freeing experience, but it can come with some challenges if not approached correctly. Here, you'll learn about some ways to tackle these issues including remote work, volunteering, and some less common way to bring in the dough.

There are so many ways to make money while living van life or travelling. For some great ideas and more information, check out the following post.

How To Make Money While Travelling
This is a guide on how to make money while travelling. You’ll learn about frugal travel, the costs, and the many types of jobs while travelling.

Maintaining Community On The Road - Balancing Connection and Adventure

For those who want to maintain their social connections while living in a van, how to do it is a big concern. We'll explore some realities associated with staying connected while on the road.

  • One of the benefits of being location independent is that you can stay close to friends and family if required.
  • Making new friends on the road can be a challenge. Putting yourself out there attending van life gatherings, or joining groups of your favourite activities is a great way to meet new people.
  • If you're set up for it, inviting friends on some of your adventures is an excellent way to build memories with those you care about.
  • At times, it can be lonely. When loneliness strikes, try distracting yourself with your favourite activity, or a phone call to catch up with your parents since they will probably appreciate the call.

For more associated information, these posts give a better idea of what it's really like to maintain a community on the road.

What is it Like When You Return From Van Life?
This is a dive into returning from van life. You’ll learn what ends van life, how loved ones react, and adjusting and planning for the future.

Safety And Security - Ensuring Your Well-Being

Ensuring your safety, and the safety of your van is incredibly important. You might find yourself in strange situations, but with these tips and tricks, you can ensure you stay as safe as possible.

  • Choose well-lit and populated areas if you're unsure about the safety of the area you're parking in.
  • Keep your keys close, and be prepared to take off in the middle of the night by parking your van in a way that you don't need to back out.
  • Use technology to your advantage. An additional security alarm for your vehicle can provide some peace of mind. Some folks have chosen to install cameras for the exterior of their vehicles.

Here is a post where I discuss more on the topic of safety:

Is Living In A Van Safe?
This is a guide van life safety. You’ll learn about the dangers that exist, and how to mitigate them to stay safe during van life.


I hope you enjoyed this guide and found the answers you were looking for to get you on the road.

And now I'd like to hear from you.

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